Use "oxygenate|oxygenated|oxygenates|oxygenating" in a sentence

1. Oxygenate Contaminants in Alkylates A

2. Air is breathable, oxygenated.

3. Types of Additives include metal deactivators, corrosion inhibitors, oxygenates and antioxidants.

4. A little hypotensive but oxygenating well, which is something for his size, so...

5. After that we calm, Bacterize and oxygenate the skin with high frequency.

6. An improved indirect method for determining oxygenate content using near-infrared absorption spectra

7. Arterioles Small blood vessels that carry arterial (oxygenated) blood

8. Bullheads rest and eat in this cooler, well-oxygenated water

9. Our Bunched Oxygenating Aquarium Plants for Sale are banded with ties or lead bands where specified

10. hydrocarbons to be admixed with the effluent from the oxygenate conversion process.

11. The following table does not apply to refinery feedstocks nor to additives/ oxygenates:

12. All brain cells are cleaned, fed, and oxygenated by blood.

13. When not oxygenated, hemolymph quickly loses its color and appears grey.

14. Forests alone supply timber and food, oxygenate air, purify water and help moderate the climate.

15. Alloxan is an oxygenated pyrimidine and toxic analog of glucose

16. Moderate aerobic-type exercise increases the production of endorphins, improves sleep, and oxygenates the system and muscles.

17. PEMF oxygenates, Alkalizes and builds up energy within the cells, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the cells mitochondria

18. Depict other anatomical Abnormalcies that cause the commixture of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood

19. 14 Supports a healthy blood stream that will nourish, purify, strengthen, oxygenate and hydrogenate every cell in your body.

20. Includes motor gasoline blending components (excluding additives/ oxygenates), e.g. alkylates, isomerate, reformate, cracked gasoline destined for use as finished motor gasoline.

21. Includes motor gasoline blending components (excluding additives/oxygenates), e.g. alkylates, isomerate, reformate, cracked gasoline destined for use as finished motor gasoline.

22. With the child's first breath, the lung sends oxygenated blood to the left atrium.

23. Alloxan is an oxygenated pyrimidine derivative. It is present as Alloxan hydrate in aqueous solution

24. In the systemic circulatory system, arteries and Arterioles bring oxygenated blood to the capillaries

25. All of which, with the exception of the pulmonary Artery, carry oxygenated blood

26. The oxygenated solution resuscitation had some protective effects in spleen immunocytes injuries after shock.

27. The Aorta is your largest artery and it brings oxygenated blood to all parts of the body

28. Dissolved oxygen levels in sampled bottom water were all above 11 mg/l, indicating well-oxygenated conditions.

29. The function of the Arteries is to carry oxygenated blood to organs and cells in the body

30. Synonyms for Aired include opened, oxygenated, ventilated, disclosed, voiced, exposed, publicised, publicized, revealed and brought to light

31. An aerobic organism or aerobe is an organism that can survive and grow in an oxygenated environment.

32. Arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart, while veins carry oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart

33. Plans to artificially oxygenate areas of the Baltic that have experienced eutrophication have been proposed by the University of Gothenburg and Inocean AB.

34. An Aerobic organism or aerobe is an organism that can survive and grow in an oxygenated environment

35. Fresh, oxygenated waters can cause extensive aerobic Biodegradation when they are in contact with reservoir oil

36. Dispensers and dispensing apparatus for liquids, in particular for still water, aerated and/or oxygenated water

37. Their distinct biosynthetic activity includes an endoperoxidase synthase reaction that oxygenates and Cyclizes polyunsaturated fatty acid precursors (eg, arachidonic acid) to form prostaglandin G

38. Arteries and Arterioles are two types of blood vessels that mainly carry oxygenated blood. The main difference between arteries and Arterioles is that arteries are the major blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood whereas Arterioles are the small branches of arteries that lead to capillaries.

39. An aerobic organism or Aerobe is an organism that can survive and grow in an oxygenated environment

40. The Axillary artery is a large blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood to various parts of the upper body

41. Breathing The automatic, and usually unconscious, process by which air is drawn into the LUNGS for the purpose of oxygenating the blood and disposing of carbon dioxide

42. The purpose of these Arteries is to transport oxygenated blood to the heart, which allows it to function effectively

43. Both liquid-phase oxidation of heavy naphtha and the Fischer-Tropsch reaction produce mixed oxygenate streams, from which 2-butanone is extracted by fractionation.

44. Epoxy-himachaleneis is a sesquiterpenic Bicyclical hydrocarbon product optically active; its epoxydation leads to pure oxygenated enantiomeric compounds

45. Blood carried by Arteries is usually highly oxygenated, having just left the lungs on its way to the body’s tissues

46. Accelerations on the fetal heart rate (FHR) trace are considered a reliable, reassuring sign of a well oxygenated fetus 1

47. Highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOM) are formed in the atmosphere via Autoxidation involving peroxy radicals arising from volatile organic compounds (VOC)

48. Botulins are produced under certain oxygenated conditions by certain Clostridiumbacteria with spores is widely used in soil, among other things

49. 17 Mbuna have a basic requirement for moderately hard,[] alkaline water which should be extremely clean and well-oxygenated.

50. A process is described for flowing an oxygenate feed over a catalyst in an adiabatic fixed bed reactor to product a reactor effluent and heat.

51. The splenic Artery (lienal Artery), the blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the spleen, is an example of a muscular Artery

52. Contrary to the above model, breathing is maintained in lizards during movement, even above their aerobic scope, and arterial blood remains well oxygenated.

53. The Circulatory system serves to move blood to a site or sites where it can be oxygenated, and where wastes can be disposed

54. Moisture, oxygenates, aromatics and some sulfur species are removed from the carbon dioxide by adsorption with some of the impurities being removed by adsorption on a Y zeolite.

55. When the rock mass began to rise, the gas infiltrated the reefs and reacted with air and fresh, oxygenated underground water to form sulfuric acid.

56. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. This blood is normally oxygenated, with the exception of blood in the pulmonary artery

57. She also goes and says things like, you should eat lots of dark green leaves, because they contain lots of chlorophyil, and that will really oxygenate your blood.

58. More oxygenated blood in a particular region is assumed to correlate with an increase in neural activity in that part of the brain.

59. Catalase is an enzyme, which is produced by microorganisms that live in oxygenated environments to neutralize toxic forms of oxygen metabolites; H 2 O 2

60. Objective To study the ability of rat liver suffering from warm ischemia in regenerating ATP to assess viability of donor liver by oxygenated hypothermic reperfusion.

61. However, the proliferation of cyanobacteria, due to their novel ability to exploit water as a source of electrons, radically altered the global environment by oxygenating the atmosphere and by achieving large fluxes of CO2 consumption.

62. Heart Bypass surgery, or coronary artery Bypass graft (CABG) surgery, is done when coronary arteries, which supply your heart with oxygenated blood, become blocked or damaged

63. The vital function of the Blood vessels is protecting against the loss of blood during injuries. Blood vessels are also involved in circulating both oxygenated (poor) …

64. Pulmonary Arteries carry deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs to pick up oxygen and to release carbon dioxide; in contrast, systemic Arteries carry oxygenated …

65. The Cuttlefish has three hearts, with two pumping blood to its large gills and one circulating the oxygenated blood to the rest of its body

66. Alloxan An oxygenated pyrimidine derivative, which is a toxic glucose analogue that induces experimental diabetes by selectively destroying pancreatic beta cells by superoxide production. Segen's Medical Dictionary

67. To avoid diffusion of the detergent throughout the acinus, the liver is then immediately perfused with oxygenated Hanks buffer in the direction opposite to that of digitonin injection.

68. The overhead product of the second distillation mainly contains the lightest hydrocarbons and a small amount of alkanol, and the bottoms product contains an essentially oxygenate-free hydrocarbon stream which can be used as such for alkylation.

69. Biz Stain & Odor Eliminator is an enzyme-based, oxygenated and color-safe bleach, detergent booster and pre-treater for laundry stains, sold in both liquid and powder form

70. Systemic Circulation, in physiology, the circuit of vessels supplying oxygenated blood to and returning deoxygenated blood from the tissues of the body, as distinguished from the pulmonary Circulation

71. Using a multistage process which cleans, Alkalises, mineralises, ionises, energises and oxygenates the water, the PiMag water products produce light, velvety, fresh-tasting water which is pleasant and easy to drink and good for you too!

72. Arteriole any of the narrow, thin-walled arteries that carry oxygenated blood to the tissues from the heart, forming part of the BLOOD CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. Arterioles progressively get smaller as …

73. All Arteries carry oxygenated blood–except for the pulmonary artery.The largest artery in the body is the aorta and it is divided into four parts: ascending aorta, aortic arch, thoracic aorta, and abdominal aorta.

74. The phasing out of lead Antiknock compounds in gasoline and their replacement by ‘oxygenates’ – mainly alcohols and ethers such as methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) – created a need for an oxygen-selective detector, easy to use with capillary columns

75. Tubes seem to have fossilized due to microbially mediated phosphatization that could be favoured by a set of parameters which operated rather at the scale of ammonoid carcasses: closed, poorly oxygenated conditions, and reduced pH.

76. The whole principal behind Clamping is: exterior veins are clamped off while leaving the interior arteries open, so fresh oxygenated blood can be jelqed in, but the outgoing blood flow is blocked completely until the clamp is released

77. The whole principal behind clamping is: exterior veins are Clamped off while leaving the interior arteries open, so fresh oxygenated blood can be jelqed in, but the outgoing blood flow is blocked completely until the clamp is released

78. Circumflex artery is referred as the Circumflex branch present in the left coronary artery branches off via the left part of the coronary artery. Main function of Circumflex artery is to supply oxygenated blood to a few specific portions of the human heart

79. Bring a wet and wild twist to your pond or garden decor with this full-of-character, Crotchety Crocodile Spitter! He's a handsome fellow on land but arrives already piped, in case you care to oxygenate your pond or water feature with the soothing sounds of water music

80. The winter dormancy of treebuds, the rest period of tubers like potato tubers, the dormancy of the berry seeds, the leaf abscission in autumn, response to a ketoacid, the dormin or abscisin II, related to farnesinic acid, and to oxygenated carotenoids, as foliaxanthin (neoxanthin).